Project: New building
The unbelievable and unique properties of feedstar enable you to create completely new stable concepts. The feeding table can be omitted and replaced by our feedstar. This makes you completely independent of the previous way of building! No matter whether the feed is eaten from one or two sides of the belt - feedstar adapts perfectly in width.
With our system it is possible to have a compact and labour-efficient barn. Feedstar has a modular design and can be expanded at any time up to fully automatic feeding. In addition, feedstar can be flexibly combined with a wide range of feeding methods, which means that our system can be coupled with a mixer wagon, loader wagon, tiller, hay crane or dosing device. This flexibility is again demonstrated by the fact that feedstar is compatible with any type of housing.
1. example of a stable with feedstar
70 cows - 1 feedstar 54m - 1 milking robot
The construction of a new stable offers many options and should therefore be well thought out. Our system is perfect in combination with a milking robot. This new building was consulted for around 70 animals. Dry cows and young calfs have their own areas. With our feedstar system you save about 4m in width when building a stable of this size. This stable with an animal feeding space ratio of 1.12 to 1 shows the optimal standard version of a stable.
Save money by saving space
Our space-saving feeding system is the perfect solution, especially in tight spaces, because our stables are about four meters narrower than conventional stables with normal feeding tables. But even with enough space, a feedstar makes sense, as you save a lot of money due to the less converted space and the smaller footprint. In addition to the less converted space, you also save the unnecessary entries and exits for the tractor in the barn or the usually very expensive coating of the feed table.
Our feeding system therefore pays for itself within a very short time and generates noticeable added value.
2. example of a stable with feedstar
224 cows - 2 feedstar à 70m - 4 milkinf robot
Feedstar offers many advantages in narrow and small stables, but can also convince without exception for large projects. In this example, there is space for 224 cows, of which 186 are dairy cows and 38 are young or dry. Our 70m belts provide the animals with fresh feed around the clock, which has been proven to increase the milk yield of the 186 lactating cows.
With feedstar, pushing and sweeping the feed table every day is a thing of the past. In combination with four milking robots, our feedstar is the optimal solution for a barn of this size.

Increase animal welfare
No more noise and exhaust gases in the barn
With feedstar, the feeding atmosphere for your animals increases considerably. With our system, both engine noise and exhaust emissions from a tractor remain outside the stable. This reduces the stress factor of your animals enormously, which has been proven to lead to a significant increase in milk yield.
In addition to the better air quality, the repeated daily feeding by feedstar contributes to the better health of the animals. The frequent feeding of the animals leads to optimal pH values in the rumen.
You are planning a new building ?
We are at your disposal for questions or advice at any time!

Save money, space and time.
With our feeding system you save in many areas!

Increase in animal welfare
Less stress for your animals.
Benefit from increased milk yield thanks to a better atmosphere in the stable!